Thursday, December 21, 2006


Zack is as sick as a dawg. Poor little guy. He's picked up a bug called "Bronchiolitis" and it landed us in A & E last Friday. We were there from 5 - 9pm and we came home with what looks like an asthma pump with a ventilating chamber (altho the registrar did say that he didn't think it would make much of a difference - they'd already administered it without any success). The equipment didn't alleviate any symptoms and we have't had much sleep this week. Keith and I are both starting to come down with it now - sore throat, stuffy head and tearing eyes. Daddy's been working very hard, and mummy feels a bit thin on the ground, resentful and tired. Ah, the joys of parenthood eh ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Not a good start to the Christmas season! Sorry to read that you are all getting sick. Do you have a humidifier? Do you have any Karvol (or methol type stuff)? As an asmathic I can vouch that steam really works in easing the lungs - the menthol seems to help too - or maybe I just enjoy the smell!
Merry Christmas and lotsa luv from Akron, Ohio