Saturday, February 03, 2007

dah - ee

Our child is a genius !!!

Yeah, you've heard every parent say it. But Zack is a genius. Today while we were packing Keith's bags for New York, we were looking at all the photos on the bedside shelves. There is one of Keith and his sister Sally. I said, "Daddy, Aunty Sally" - pointing at each in turn. Then Keith said, "Daddy", and Zack said, "Dah-ee", and then a second time. Of course we leapt around like mad things, hugging and shouting, "DADDY!, DADDY!", much to Zack's amusement. He is a genius I tell you!


Anonymous said...

I swear, babies are so much more aware than we give them credit for...and they regard grown-ups as toys. Who wouldn't laugh at a large primate doing a dance of excitement? Sounds like he's growing up fast!

Anonymous said...

I never doubted it for a minute!