Sunday, March 30, 2008

Down's Syndrome screening

Got a letter from the hospital this week, to say that our Down's syndrome screening test results are in. Obviously they can't tell whether the baby has Down's but can give you a risk indication. Because I'm over 35 years old, the NHS offer a Nuchal Translucency scan as standard at 13-14 weeks. My results have come back as "low". There's a lot to think about there... I'm not the worrying kind, so I've tried not to think too much about what we would do if we found out there was something wrong with the baby. The language is also very emotive - "wrong" can be a horrible word when you have a Down's child - nor is "disabled" very helpful. "Challenged" has become more of a joke, than a describer. I wonder about 'dis'abled and 'un'able? When they say a child has a learning 'disability', it makes it sound like it can be overcome - and I suppose in some cases in can. But what about those children who don't overcome ? Are they labeled 'unable'. All a bit un-politically correct, and bad psychology to say "can't" I suppose.

I'm still feeling pretty tired despite being at 15 weeks now. I keep wondering what's happened to that 'energy boost' I was supposed to get after the first trimester? Maybe parenting a toddler took it away. My back, or rather my coccyx is killing me - I keep getting nasty twinges when I'm sitting on the floor (you do that alot with a toddler), when I'm lying down (as often as I can), and when I'm walking. Funnily enough, walking in Wales with Zack in the backpack - all 17.6kgs of him - was really not painful at all. I would say that's a testimony to my Merrell's: definitely the most comfortable outdoor shoes I've ever owned; probably helped that my posture was more 'normal' because I was worrying about the backpack instead of the pain.
Zack is thriving and I made a note of his height on his 2nd birthday : 88cm tall.

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