Monday, March 26, 2007

Now we are ONE

Zack turned 1 yesterday. A momentous occasion but celebrated with very little fuss other than phone-calls, sms's and emails from friends and family. I made cupcakes for his friends at nursery today (Monday 26th), and the winning recipe is Martha Stewart's Vanilla Cupcake recipe.

Yes, yes, you're all wondering what he got ? . . . well, he got a few books, some pairs of socks, clothes, a toy mobile phone (we kid ourselves that it'll replace his fascination with the TV remote – it does not), a puzzle, aftershave (only kidding), a toy elephant and lots of wrapping paper. He enjoyed singing "Happy Birthday", and soon learnt to clap along when anyone sang it to him.
He had ice-cream for the first time on Saturday at his friend Sonny's naming ceremony. Initially he pulled faces, but once the coldness had passed he was eager for more and more and more. The sugar-rush kicked in about 20 mins later. Yeouch !
We still have the birthday party on Sunday 1 April to look forward to, so the cupcakes today were a bit of a test-run. Due to their success, there will be an encore.


Ryan Lambert said...

Hello Zack,

Congratulations on making it to 1 ! You should know that it is really all thanks to those wonderful parents of yours. As cute as you are, they still get all the credit. Enjoy your toys but remember to give Mom & Dad lots of smiles, they deserve it !

Anonymous said...

Oh Lordy!! Here I am late again!
Sorry, Zack. Hope you enjoyed the party - and your cousin being there!
Congratulations to Mum and Dad - it went awfully quickly, didn't it?