Sunday, January 12, 2014

swing here. swing there

Yowzer, as the years pass, the blog postings have dribbled down to 1 per month on average. that is a sad and sorry state of affairs. I don't do New Year's Resolutions. I'm going to post. Some years there will be more, some less, that's life.
So! How're things ? Not bad actually. January is in-frickin-sane. I don't think I'm alone in saying that. There is just too much to do and catch up on, and administer... and sort out... and...
Eldest child is now stuck withh is class teacher from last year until the end of this academic year - the teacher who started with him in Year 3 turns out to be unable to complete his tenure. I real pity, but hey ho. It has its positives and negatives - continuity in having someone he knows, but hard as you're stuck with the problems from last year (personality-clash, teaching-style, or something). He is finding his groove slowly. He's growing up. I do love him so.
Youngest is more at ease, finding his way socially, is academically fine, musical and lucky him, naturally good looking. Blonde hair, blue eyes. I think he could grow an empathetic limb. He isn't naturally "feeling", so he'll need to work on that. He can be self-absorbed. Oh! he's a child, remember.
(aside: blogging about your children is slightly freaky. I wonder how much to put in, how much to leave out. can you be honest ? Will there be some paedo stalking me if I talk about my children? Will they hunt me down and find me, and steal my child, and sell him in the Middle or Far East ?....
doesn't bear thinking about.)
We've had the grandparents staying here (Come on! you've been reading the posts haven't you?). They have grandchildren on two continents. It's natural to compare. I think it's hard for them while it's easy for me - I just have to contend with what I face day to day. They have to make a life with one set of grand-children far away. Don't get me wrong - we miss them.
In Europe we don't have the glorious sunny weather (and skin cancer), but we didn't value it when we had it every day growing up. You only miss it when it's gone. At the same time, we (in Europe) do have oodles of culture, history, community, right on our doorstep. And despite the crummy weather I cycle, and Zack cycles with me. Granny is surprised (she's gob-smacked but was hiding it) that he is on the road, busy roads, with traffic lights, trucks, buses, going along here and there. He's cycled 11 miles and 14 miles, in varying lighting and weather conditions. Bless him! He's brilliant. He can moan like a drain when there's a long hill, but he sings little songs and chatters away to himself on the downhills. It makes you look at yourself and think, "Why am I so serious?".
Kids give you that.

... philosophical entry today