Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Night terrors

Zack wearing Kelly's UGG boots

I'm writing tonight because of the absence of something, rather than the presence of it. Zack has had episodes in the past where he's woken sometimes once, sometimes three times a night, crying uncontrollably and will not be comforted. Books call it "night terrors" but I'm not 100% convinced. Zack wakes up (or seems to be awake), but is really freaking out completely. You try and pick him up and he thrashes and twists so that you cannot hold him. Any attempts to sooth him verbally or touch him / stroke his hair, encourages more violent protestation. It's really very distressing as a parent. On the positive side however, he goes back to sleep quite quickly without more intervention, or the need for milk / a blanket.
And to conclude, it's the absence of these episodes that I'm celebrating. We haven't really had any in quite some time (remember mummies measure everything days and hours), so I'm very, very relieved. It also equates with a better night's sleep all 'round, so I'm grateful for that too.
Now all I have to get right is limiting the liquids in the evenings so we aren't waking up soaking wet. Ah potty training – I see thee but I know thee not.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Saturday, February 09, 2008

so much

You can well imagine how I'm feeling with more than 8 weeks of development to catch up on here on the blog. Zack has grown and matured so much - he is STILL biting (worse than before but more rarely), but knows how to be completely charming, flash that smile, work the room. He can be very affectionate when he wants to be, yet he also knows how to wield his will. He wishes everything could be his way, but ain't that the way of toddlers ? It seems like time is rushing away, as he gets more confident on playground equipment, speaks more, understands more (uh-oh), and sleeps better at night (thank the Good Lord)! He is not a baby any more and having weaned him of his dummy while in NZ, we feel like most of the hard stuff is done. Potty training is still a hope and a dream - altho' he's quite curious he has no interest in sitting on the toilet or a potty, or anything. He can name it, and sometimes tell me when it's happening but that's as far as we've gone. The general consensus is that they get there in their own time, so I'm not pushing. What's worse : a 4-year-old in nappies, or a 4-year-old with a dummy ? Attending nursery is going to cure Zack of the former because in the UK children have to be potty-trained to attend school. We've ticked off the latter, so I suppose we're on the road, one way or the other. I do pity parents with school children, with dummy in mouth, being pushed in a pram, but there you go. We all make choices.
I thought it was going to much harder than it was.

Ah, the joy of antipodean summers – the inflatable pool / castle
includes hours of fun at no charge, weather virtually guaranteed.