Thursday, May 24, 2007

If Zack was a pub...

he'd be called the Bite & Strop. Honestly, the way things are going at the moment, you'd think we were in the terrible twos already. Keith and I agree that there's been a very real change in his behaviour in the last month... He is so willful and will have a complete wobbly if he doesn't get his way on something. He is still hitting his head on the floor (or any other hard surface that presents itself), when he's frustrated. So much so, that Keith thinks there's something the matter with him. Daddy's can be completely obsessive too. It's exhausting. There is lots of literature about hitting your head - it's normal, esp. amongst boys.

Zack will bite me on my thigh when he's a klingon, on my neck or chest if I'm holding him - even when we're just playing on the carpet or sofa. He doesn't choose to understand "No Biting!", so we're going with the Thousand-Repetitions-School-of-Thought. I hope there'll be a peaceful little part of me left at the end of each day - right now I feel quite frazzled by the constant clash of wills.

And everyone says, "He's such a cute baby." Yeah! Right. Did I mention the biting ?


Anonymous said...

hey there syster. Just read the Zack Pub blog and got a real chuckle out of it all. Strange that you two have not mentioned the pinching, biting earlier or I would have really reconsidered visiting in August (ha ha ha). As you know, little terror Zack or no, nothing will stop me being there. Miss you lots, love you more. Andy

Anonymous said...

Hiya - the head banging concept is really new to me. I'd be really concerned if my kid started doing that. Some kids still do that in their teens. Now that I think about it, people at the office do it all the time against desks and walls :-)

Taking lots of mental notes for when our turn comes around.
