For the uninitiated this is just another of those wierd ultrasound pics with blobs of white and black and who-knows-what-they're-looking-at ? For the rest, it's a moment of excitement and joy at seeing that our little bub is doing oh-so-well. Compared to
the last scan, baby now fills all the uterine space (how fast they grow!) I'm feeling less sick in the evenings, and I'm getting over my aversion to coffee shops (tho' still not drinking the stuff), and the tummy is visible to all. We finally seem to be "in" the system, following a few false starts with our local midwives. We're grateful that we'll be in line to deliver at the new Barkantine Birthing Centre, which is not far from our flat.
There won't be more scans for some time - next one due only at 20 weeks, ie. May - so we'll have to make do with watching the tummy grow, sore back, painful hips, smaller meals, heartburn, ah yes... now I remember.
It's another year for babies: so far we've welcomed little Jamie Hundermark in Johannesburg, Jaykob in New Zealand, Abigail in Romford, Julia in Dublin, Holly in Jo'burg and now baby Samantha in Reading. Busy time eh ? Congrats everyone.
Samantha born to Karen & Andrew on 8 March
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