Sunday, January 20, 2013

earning potential

We shop at a local grocery store - Sainsbury's. It's a huge chain in Britain. Our local shop has a community feel about it, beyond the soulless black plastic crates that mark Sainsbury's national fresh produce sections, and the awful silver shelving that is the same. We go in and out daily picking up a few items. Zack (now 6 3/4yrs) and Calvin (4 1/4yrs) used to be on first name terms with the security guard at the front door, until they changed staff. Today while we were packing our bags, the boys were running hither and thither collecting blue shopping baskets and stacking them up.
When we left, Zack piped up saying, "When I'm big, I want to be a Sainsbury's man. I want to do the packets."
Calvin chimed in saying, "When I'm big, I also want to be a Sainsbury's man. But I want to do the boxes."
Keith couldn't let it go, and so began a long discussion with Zack on earnings. What does he think a man at Sainsbury's earns ? etc.
Zack started off saying that he must work very hard if he wants to earn £500/day at Sainsbury's. Keith said he very much doubted that the man at Sainsbury's earned £500/day.
I wasn't privy to the rest of the conversation, chasing Calvin down the snowy pavement, but I bet it was interesting. I wonder what Zack thinks ?

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