Wednesday, May 24, 2006

survival tip no.1 - sleep when baby sleeps !

Well, you didn't hear it from me.
In fact, I've heard it from almost everyone else and still not put it into practice until recently. You know when you're brought to your knees by the situation that it's time to take some good old home-spun advice and DO IT, like the Nike advert says. So we did... in a manner of speaking.

Last night we fed Zack at 10:30pm, after giving him a bath and all was calm and delicious. Keith put him to bed, and we both rushed around doing things until midnight (our usual sad-O bed time). I remember looking at the clock and it said 00:22, although I know that Keith keeps it running about 10 minutes fast. It's still a bit of a gloomy announcement when you know you probably have 50 minutes to get some shut-eye before the little growling noises turn into a wail of starvation and armageddon.

Imagine my surprise when I woke up at 04:27 to a little cry.

Whoohoooooo ! ! !
Our baby has done the six hour stretch for the first time !
What a feeling of elation, and pride. I know that I'm feeling as good as I am today because I've had more than 2 hours of undisturbed sleep for the first time in 2 months. It also makes me see how my coping ability in the past week has been getting worse and worse - especially with the fever and infection. I feel great now.

I'm hoping we can help Zack sleep longer more often. We will see what happens.

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