Zack has been sleeping quite well, despite the awfully hot weather. He's managing to do 6 hours with a little persuasion, and has even gone to 7 on one occasion. All hail the father tho', as the mother is too knackered to bother and is just as happy to get up and feed as to get up and replace dummy. Keith's latest suggestion is that we try and get him to sleep from 11pm until 7pm. This would be very, very nice. I don't know if it's possible - one can only try.
He seems to have grown again suddenly. His little head seems bigger, and his body seems longer in the torso. Every now and then I have moments when I think, "Oh wow, he's changed again." It's all happening at such a pace right now. Another thing he does alot of is wave one hand up and down, as if seeking to find something by bumping into it. He isn't too sure about clasping, but prefers to 'rake' and drag whatever he has managed to clasp towards his mouth. This is seldom successful, as he drops it en-route, or it isn't the right way 'round and bumps him in the head. So frustrating, but he perseveres with delightful heavy breathing - the sign of true concentration.
On Saturday Granny arrived from Johannesburg and we all drove out to the airport to meet her. Lots of excitement!
Sunday was aunty Elly's birthday party in Victoria Park, and it was great for Keith to meet little Ruby and little Anokye, as he'd missed the reunion being in NY on business. He and Matt got talking cameras, but not before firing off a good number of shots. We are STILL waiting for the fabulous lens - who knows how many more months ? !