Monday, September 03, 2007


I don't set alot of store by what I dream at night, but last night I had an odd one: I was sitting on a very blue & green mohair type rug with a friend of mine from PE, Fiona. We were having a long chat about life and kids, and then I noticed that someone had spilled, what looked like Calpol, on the rug. I rushed off and fetched a sponge and some soap and tried to get it out. It was really difficult (Mohair is so fibrous), and by the end of the dream I remember not being completely satisfied with the results.

meaning ?

1 comment:

Harley said...

Perhaps your life contains things like Mohair rugs which are not worth the effort & pain to maintain - you have so many other better things to focus your time and energy on like Fiona, life and kids....keep these things and you are sentencing yourself to a life time of maintenance, accident avoidance and dissatisfaction ...

hey, but what do I know - I am just a bloke.