Friday, February 10, 2006

will you lactate ?

Funny how the debates about breast-feeding rage on, and for some of us, there was never really any question about 'what to do'... I guess it's mother's milk. My mum did, so I plan to, too. There seems to have been a generation of mum's here in the UK, Europe and Australia who were actively encouraged NOT to breastfeed. It means that today, there's an awful lot of lobbying going on, from the World Health Organisation to the La Leche League. There's is no shortage of information or volunteer-driven assistance. In our borough, there are drop-in centres 5 days a week, where you can go for advice and support. Who would've thought ? !

Our breastfeeding workshop on Tuesday night was held in the Bethnal Green, and poetically in the house that Emily Pankhurst lived in. Things don't get more empowering than that!

Like so many things in life, I've discovered that this is one of those "personal" decisions each mum needs to make and most people have very definite ideas on it. Alot of what we discussed at the workshop were preconceptions about breastfeeding... eg."my friend told me that..." or "I've heard that..." - because none of us have done it before.

I suppose all that can be said is that I'll try - I know that fundamentally it's a good thing, but that doesn't mean that it's easy or "natural" (ie. you just know how to do it). Time will tell.

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