Wednesday, March 01, 2006

is it time yet ?

The first of March means we are now in the right month, which is exhilarating and daunting. It's such a good feeling to know that we've made it this far and bambino is just busy, busy busy inside - tho' I know it must be so cramped in there. I'm feeling quite tired after a hectic weekend and going a bit crazy with 'doing things'. I am my worst enemy - I just don't stop and rest.

Note to self : stop and rest !

Yesterday was Shrove Tuesday, which means very little in my life, but since I had some eggs in the fridge, I thought, "Whoohooo, I'll make pancakes and take them to church." So I stood over the stove for more than an hour frying pancakes last night. What for ? I'm not sure. They all got eaten and people were complimentary, but I did wonder afterwards why I hadn't just gone and had a nice nap before church instead of all the stress of mixing and frying and sprinkling of cinnamon. Silly girl !

Am starting to have Braxton Hicks (B.H.) that are more noticeable - mostly in front, but I had a few on my lower back this afternoon. From the quick canvas I did on Friday at the NCT tea, B.H.'s are widely different and variable. Some people have the standard - tightening of the stomach surface, while others (like m'self) have quite painful practice-contractions. Sheesh, it can be quite alarming, because you aren't sure if 'this is it!' or just another B.H.

Off to do some ironing !

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