Thursday, June 15, 2006

football and hot hot hot

This past week has been a scorcher and this baby is drinking his way through it. Many of the other mums have been offering their bubs water, but I haven't tried that yet. Zack seems to be managing on milk, even chilled milk is going down. I'm so grateful to Dean and Emma for their advice - You don't need to heat baby's milk, they are quite happy having cold milk and anyway you're making work for yourself if you have to rush around looking for a way of heating up the milk you've got with you ! How very true.

here are the boys on Daniel's baby gym

Yesterday Zack and I took the DLR and the bus to New Cross Gate to visit Lizzie and Daniel. Z and D are just 2 days apart in age, and had a ball on Daniel's baby gym together. It was fun seeing Liz and catching up on the past ten weeks of events and development. I'm hoping we'll all get a chance to be together - Dean, Emma, Liz, David, Keith and I - before the summer is out.

Zack is now officially a Brit ! His passport arrived the other day which means we can now do some travelling abroad. First destination will be Holland to visit Clint, Jeany and Sadie.

Zack is making more and more of his hands - he now sucks them and rubs his eyes a bit. He's also taking a fancy to my hand if it's within reach of his mouth. How did we get to this developmental stage so quickly ? He's supposed to be such a wee chap. In the last 48 hours, he's also started holding up his head a little. It's so funny - one moment he's leaning back and the next he's doubled over, with his cute little fat chin. Too cute !

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