Whew ! another week goes whizzing by...
Zack went for his shots on Tuesday and contrary to my expectations (hey, this happens alot when you have a baby) he was fine. There was no temperature, no whingy baby, a bit grumpy but then it is awfully hot at the moment, and generally he came through it all quite well. Two small plasters on his thighs is all he has to show for it.
At the end of last week I really felt like I was losing the plot. An accumulation of late nights / sleepless nights, the weather being rotten, being trapped inside because Zack wasn't well and I didn't want him getting sick, all made for a pretty unhappy mummy. Keith is a real pillar of strength at times like these and I can cry on his shoulder and he says great things like, "I can be strong for both of us", which is exactly what this tearful mummy wants to hear.
Well, to make things better Keith agreed that we could go out on Friday night, so after having supper we went up to West India Quay and watched X-Men III with Zack in the sling. Boy, do I look back on that and think, "Ruth, you must be crazy!". It was really noisy - funny how you forget that action films have sound that makes your kidney stones disintegrate. But his highness just slept blissfully through the whole film, what a laugh. I was more worried about his hearing getting damaged than he was!
Saturday was a glorious day, and we went off to Smithfields to buy meat with some mates. Then a delicious brunch at S.O.S. before coming home again. The weather was far too good to spend the day indoors, so at around 3pm I started walking to Greenwich with the pram. Keith got on his bike and cycled down to the barber, had his haircut, then cycled home again, pumped his tyres and then cycled down to the foot-tunnel where he caught up with me. Notice the length of time taken on foot! It was eventful though, as everyone was watching the football with England leading 5-0 over Jamaica, and the pubs spilling out onto the pavement with everyone shouting the odds. it was great fun!
Keith took me to see a dining hall in the Naval Buildings which was completely covered in tromp l'oiel. Something special to see.
Greenwich park was heaving with people, and we put our picnic blanket down and I had barely touched the ground and was overcome by sleep. Nothing like a bit of sunshine to put you under. We stayed until 7pm, and then drifted out of the park and back home on the train.
more news as soon as i get a chance...
here's a pic of aunty nix and aunty jax on wed
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