- gives you some idea of how heavy the little tyke is getting.
Jackie threw a wonderful baby shower for me on Sunday and we had a great time. She put so much thought and effort into it, and the girls were all so kind and generous. It really brings things home when you look at 6 tiny little baby-gro's and realise that your own child will soon be sleeping in them.
A sobering moment.
We didn't pack the hospital bag. And I still haven't written my birth plan, but will make time for that in the next few days.
I finished work officially on Friday and Jackie has taken over the big job I was working on. That is a relief because the client wasn't sticking to his deadline and I had a tick in my eye-lid that reflected the stress I was under. I need to slow down! I still have a few bits and pieces for other people, to get through, but nothing pressing.
Of the 8 couples who attended our ante-natal classes, one has given birth (5 days early) to a baby girl. Again, a sobering moment, as I realised that the ball was now rolling and we are on that ball. It's a bit strange because I'm only due at the end of the month, but you never know - baby will come when its ready.
It's been a beautiful clear morning, and I've just peeked out of the window and noticed that it is snowing, AGAIN. It snowed three times last week, and just made us all wet and messed up the cars. These are lovely big flakes though, so it may make some sort of covering after all.
How is the name-game coming along?
Well, let's just say that we sat and chatted to friends about it last night, and they're as undecided as we are. Our excel spreadsheet is expanding, which can only be a good thing, but we need to actually put names on it that we agree on, rather than names we both like individually.
Another thing to do this week.