Thursday, January 12, 2006

B is for back ache

Yesterday was the most beautiful clear day, and because I haven't even ventured upstairs to prune or tidy in the last month, I thought I better seize the opportunity. After all, it wasn't raining and I wasn't going to frieze to death. I still managed to delay though and only headed up there at 3:40pm, by which time the shadows were starting to lengthen and I knew I couldn't leave it much longer.

Once I was up there I went at it hammer and tongs, and cleared away as much as I could reach - dead leaves, mucky build-up in the drainage, and old growth. It's the kind of job where you really do have to do lots of bending over, hands and knees, scraping under pots, which is probably where my technique needs improving. By the time it was dark, I'd filled two large buckets and swept down at least 2/3 of the roof with water and a broom. Once I'd put all the implements away and taken the boots off to come down stairs, I realised that I'd really overdone it... my back was killing me.

Now you all know what a pregnant woman looks like when she walks, and it annoys me that people make fun of it, but the truth is - there is no other way. Most of the time I 'womble' along. But last night, I was hobbling like a crotchety old man, clutching my lower back.

And by this morning, I couldn't face getting out of bed, so I switched off the alarm clock and stayed there. Confession time : until 11:50am.

It still hurts tho'


Harley said...

So you act

Harley said...

OOps - messed up the last update.

Why you even admitting to getting up so late I do not even know. I know someone who would gladly have spent the whole day in bed after a day like the the one you describe - in fact make that two people ... or is that twenty.

Please do be careful there !!