Friday, January 27, 2006

hi ho, hi ho

A week of madness is now behind me. One magazine is signed-off and another is nearly there. All I need to do now is get a website refined for another client and I'll be more at ease. Oh yes, and then there's X, Y and Z to do for .... (sheesh! it never ends).

I'm feeling horribly guilty because I haven't visited Bridget in 4 weeks (disgusting!), but it just hasn't come together. I was even in town last night but it was so late (4:45pm) when I was near her flat, and all I could think of was getting off my feet. Starbucks reached out it's warm, comforting arms and I succumbed.

It hasn't been particularly eventful on the pregnancy-front. Baby is growing more, and my tummy is feeling tighter and tighter. It's week 31, and I'm already wondering when we can bring the baby home, whether we'll be breast-feeding, if it'll be sleeping in cycles, how long that'll take, how we're going to cope, etc.

I picked up a book in Borders last night - Miriam Stoppard (and Dorling Kindersley)'s Baby Care Book. Hmm... interesting stuff, although you do get a sense of deja vu reading through it. So much seems like common sense, and information you've picked up 'along the way'. It was good to read it though - like brushing up before exams.

Next week, preparations begin in earnest :

Friday 3rd - NCT ante-natal class, full day
Friday 10th - NCT ante-natal class, full day
Tues 7th, 14th, 21st and 29th - Homerton Parentcraft classes in the evenings.
...the countdown begins.

Tomorrow Keith and I are going to a marriage seminar at the church. It's only 3 hours, which seems like a bit short to me, but it'll be good to go and get a bit of an MOT. Last one was eons ago.

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